May 30, 2019

Launching Confello

Last few months I spent some of my free time working on a project I felt was missing in the tech space. I’m proud to announce that today we’re making Confello, a tech conference aggregator website, available for public. Find, browse and discuss your favorite tech Conferences at Confello!

I’m a huge fan of working on personal projects and tech conferences, both being related to Confello. Due to these two hobbies and the fact that we couldn’t find something similar that already exists we decided to build Confello.

What is Confello

The idea behind Confello is simple - to be a single place for all tech conferences. You Sign Up with GitHub and get conferences that are relevant to you based on your interests, see the speakers, topics, and dates, and register for an event. Discuss with others about food, speakers, and talks.

Search by various things such as your favorite programming languages or hot topics such as AI, Cloud-Native or Blockchain, speakers you like or even talks.

Today we’re not there yet, but we plan to iterate quickly once we release the first version to the public and implement features our users are most interested in.

You can follow Confello on Twitter, Instagram or Sign Up for newsletter via website.

As a fun fact, we built Confello with Go!

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